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Meet Katye Anna...


For over thirty years Katye Anna has been sharing her gifts and messages of transformation and empowered soulful living.


Katye Anna is a teacher of soul, intuitive reader, transformational author, speaker, retreat and workshop facilitator. Katye Anna embraces life as a mystical, magical and spiritual journey, one she chooses to consciously walk with God. Katye Anna fully embodies the life of a modern day mystic. 


Gifted with the ability to travel the many planes of consciousness within God, Katye Anna has a direct connection to the world of soul and spirit and walks between both worlds. Angels are her companions and teachers. 


Communicating with the world of Spirit is as natural as breathing for Katye Anna.



Her gifts of travel and sight allow her to do what many spiritual teachers and other authors cannot...She gives first-hand descriptions of the many planes of consciousness within God. When she writes about the tunnel of light, she writes from her first-hand accounts of helping people move into the light. When she writes about her sister Debbie's cabin in heaven, she can describe it in detail because she spends time with her there (Debbie birthed into spirit 2013). When Katye Anna describes the Hall of Records, where souls gather together to finalize soul agreements, she is describing it as she has seen it during her travels. Katye Anna writes and teaches from her heart and is guided by her soul, Anna, and Spirit Teachers.


With Katye Anna's connection to the world of Spirit, the teachings of Anna first came through Katye's voice in 2013. Anna is a group of 976 souls who no longer experience consciousness on Earth, thus the name Katye Anna. Anna teaches from the higher planes of consciousness and seeks to bring forth teachings that will help personalities take responsibility for the energy they bring to their experiences and the Earth. 


The insight from Anna is endless.


The teachings and guidance they offer are meant to help shift people's awareness about being incarnated souls and how our experiences, on Earth, are just a small part of the journey of the soul. 


Anna's teachings and experiences help clients and students to:

  • Release old outdated beliefs and patterns 

  • Consciously connect with their own soul

  • Develop their unique line of communication with the world of Spirit

  • Live an empowered life, fueled by Soul and the Universe, with Love

What people are saying...

“Katye Anna’s teachings have absolutely changed the way I see and experience life. There are certainly other spiritual teachers doing good work, but Katye is so unique and has this tremendous ability to easily guide people in a way that  immediately touch one’s soul and transforms our life perspective.  I am forever grateful to Katye for the impact she has had – not only on my life – but on all of the lives I am able to positively influence  as a more awakened and conscious human being.”


Toti Cadavid

Leadership Development & Transformation Strategist

Author, Speaker, Trainer, Coach |

Katye Anna has been a powerful catalyst, guide and teacher for me, and my family, for years. Little did I know when I first met her in 2011 that this divinely timed meeting of our souls would transform my life in profound ways. Katye Anna has helped me more deeply connect with my soul’s purpose and is a constant source of spiritual support both during the times of great challenges and of great joy.  If you have the opportunity to work with her privately, in a class or retreat, I highly recommend you do so!  Her teachings are truly life-changing.


Christine Kloser  “ The Transformational Catalyst” Mentor, Author and CEO

My work with Katye Anna has been nothing short of life-changing.  I know that might sound like hyperbole, but let me explain.  I began working with Katye Anna when two significant areas of my life were in great tumult — my career and my marriage.  I hated the “successful” business I had created, and my husband and I were weary and burnt out and, quite frankly, taking our stress out on each other.  Katye Anna helped me clarify the deeper issues that were going on underneath these life circumstances, and helped me heal and release the patterns and beliefs that no longer served me.  Wow. She helped me take full responsibility for where I was at, which also meant I could be the solution.  Through her amazing counsel, I drummed up the courage and conviction to start a completely new business based on my heart and soul.  As you can imagine, this has changed everything.  Thank you Katye Anna.


Barb Wade


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