It's All About Soul with Katye Anna

In a unique 4-week class Katye Anna and her team of consultations will walk alongside you to complete an advance planning document which details your wishes for the end of your life and your medical care.
You will receive a downloadable End of Life Planner created by Katye Anna. This 110-page End of Life Planning document has been used by Doulas to provide an easy way for your loved ones to have access to your important information, documents and wishes.
This journal can be a guide for your family and loved ones to better understand your end of life preferences and the medical care you prefer. As you fill in the pages you will begin to create a plan for your end of life care, but you will also have a written plan on how you want to live until you birth into spirit.
We are honored to support you as you consider these complex ideas throughout the planning process.
We believe when families talk about death and dying before an emergency it takes some of the pressure off of everyone when they are faced with a crisis situation.
During the four online classes we will discuss many different topics. Katye Anna will encourage you to think about your medical wishes. In the very first class you will be encouraged to talk about your beliefs about death and dying.
During this class you will create your end of life plan and fill out a medical directive approved by your state. You will also choose your medical proxy. (this is the person you give permission to make medical decisions for you in case you are unable to do so.)
End Of Life Planning Class
Begins: February 15th 2020
Time: 8:00 PM ET
Cost: $125.00
This is an online class. You can use your phone, iPad or computer. All classes are recorded and sent to you.

You will receive a downloadable copy of the
End of Life Planning Journal
New Class Begins
February 15th 2020
Message From Katye Anna
One of the reasons I’ve created this end of life planning class is to prevent other families the stress of going through what my family did when my husband Allan had a major stroke.
Although my husband Allan and I had discussed many times about his wishes regarding his health care we never took the time to write it down. After he suffered a major stroke we were asked to fill out a health care directive. We were fortunate because Allan could still talk and express his wishes. Another mistake we made was Allan had never talked to his adult children about his healthcare wishes.
There we were in the ICU forced to deal with making choices about Allan’s healthcare. While Allan had been clear with me and I was in full agreement with his wishes his adult children were not in full agreement.
Allan wanted no extremes measures taken to save his life and no heroics. His adult children were not in agreement. They wanted everything medically done for their father. This became apparent when the doctors needed to discuss intubating Allan because he had developed pneumonia. (Intubate: To put a tube in, commonly used to refer to the insertion of a breathing tube into the trachea for mechanical ventilation.) Allan didn’t even want penicillin but agreed to it for his children. Allan was 100% against it but reluctantly agreed to it should the need arise. He made me promise in front of his children that I would not allow them to intubate him for ten days.
As Allan’s wife and advocate, I made sure his wishes were followed. He birthed into spirit 3 days after having a stroke. Allan had a heart attack and because he had a do-not-resuscitate order the doctors did not do CPR or put him in life support.
I know reading about all of this can be overwhelming for many people. The reason I’ve shared all of this with you is to help you understand that when families talk about death and dying before an emergency it takes some of the pressure off of everyone when they are faced with a crisis situation.