I love teaching about Angels and tonight May18th, during a Facebook
Live I will be sharing how Angels have guided me during my life.
Join me on Resilient Readers and Healers tonight at 8:00 PM EST

I am sharing a few excerpts from my book
“Cross Roads Living A Soul Inspired Live
Chapter Twelve "Angels Guiding The Way"
"In sharing my journey, I think it’s apparent that I believe in angels. I believe we all share a connection to the world
of spirit and spirit beings. These spirit beings make themselves known to us in ways that work within our tribal
Looking back over my life I can clearly see how my angelic companions helped me move through the many initiations and activations, I experienced. Arch Angels Ariel, Michael, Metatron, Sarah, Daniel, Raphael, and Gabriele are a few angels who have guided me and helped me during my life.
Of course, they did not give themselves these names. That said, each angel has their own unique energy that they shine upon our lives. Even when I had no conscious awareness that my spirit helpers were guiding my life they were doing so; this is true for you also. Your spirit team of helpers may be very different than mine. I believe by teaching you about a few of
my angelic companions you will begin to invite yours to be made known to you.
We are NEVER alone. During every initiation and crossroads of our lives we are surrounded by our very own team of spirit helpers and our soul. At every crossroads there
was an angel guiding me, encouraging me. I didn’t know thirty-four years ago, but the “energy” I felt pushing me to end my marriage and to drive up that icy hill was my soul and
my team of spirit helpers. Even though I had no conscious awareness of being guided by my soul, it guided me nonetheless. Through our dreams, thought transmissions and signs,
the world of spirit is constantly communicating with us. It never stops; even when the personality has no awareness of being guided the world of spirit will continue to do so.
Having free will we have to make a choice to follow the dreams and subtle messages or to keep pushing them to the side.
The choice is ours."........
"The world of spirit guides you in many different ways. Some of you “sense” the world of spirit. Some of you “hear” the world of spirit and some of you “see” the world of spirit. This is a good base to begin building your spiritual guidance system.
Here are a few ways you have all experienced the world of spirit. You “see” a light flicker out of the corner of your eye. You “sense” that you are not alone in the room. You
have “felt” an energy of warmth across your face, shoulders, hands, or arms. You “felt” as if you’ve just been hugged.
The air pressure often changes when a spiritual being enters the room. The room temperature may seem to shift, or you might catch a whiff of a beautiful fragrance that you can’t quite identify. When the angels hug you, you feel a warmth flow through your entire body and your heart expands with a feeling of unconditional love. You “hear” a message to call a friend or not to go down a certain road. You “think” about someone and they call you. You have a dream about someone who has birthed into spirit (died a physical death) and you
wake up with a sense of peace. You wake up with the answer about an experience you had been struggling with beforegoing to sleep. You wake up with a longing to change your
wake up with a sense of peace. You wake up with the answer about an experience you had been struggling with before going to sleep. You wake up with a longing to change your
life in a major way.
As you reconnect with the world of spirit you begin to pay attention to these thoughts, feelings, dreams, and guidance in ways that begin to empower your life."
Key Points:
1. We are NEVER alone.
2. During every initiation and crossroads of our lives
we are surrounded by our very own team of spirit
helpers and our soul.
3. Everyone is born connected to the world of spirit
via their spiritual guidance system, however the
chatter from the outer world and the tribe begins to
overwhelm the child and the focus is quickly placed
on the outer world.
4. Through our dreams, thought transmissions and
signs the world of spirit is constantly communicating
with us.
5. You begin to expand your spiritual guidance system
by taking the focus off of the physical world and
6. As you reconnect with the world of spirit you begin
to pay attention to these thoughts, feelings, dreams,
and guidance in ways that begin to empower your
7. The world of spirit guides you in many different
ways. Some of you “sense” the world of spirit. Some
of you “hear” the world of spirit and some of you
“see” the world of spirit.
Questions for Reflection:
Are you ready to embrace that you have a team of spirit
Have you experienced the presence of an angel or spirit guide
in your life?
In what ways do you experience the world of spirit? Do you
“hear” messages? Do you “feel” the presence of the world of
spirit? Do you see the world of spirit?
When you receive information in the form of intuition do you
follow it or push it aside?
Do you create room in your busy life for the world of spirit?
