Our Birthing into Spirit Program is unique because we base it on the concept that physical death is a natural part of the journey of the incarnated soul. It is an ending of physical life but the journey of the “Soul Spark” continues after physical death.
Our Birthing Into Spirit Certificate Program benefits all those involved in the care of the person birthing into spirit. From healthcare professionals to concerned family members and friends to end-of-life coaches/guides, our program provides a pathway to help people embrace physical death as a natural part of the journey of the soul.
Our program includes telephone classes and zoom classes that will be recorded. Classes are recorded and can be listened to at any time. First class will be on January 17th 2023 at 8:00 PM EST.
A few areas of focus during our time together:
Discuss what “birthing into spirit” is.
Examine your beliefs about the afterlife: what is it, where it is.
Discuss physical death as a part of the journey of the soul.
How to create an End of Life Plan
Discuss our personal beliefs about physical death.
How to hold space for the person birthing into spirit and their family.
Discuss physical death as a part of the journey of the soul
Learn the “Into the Light Meditation.”
Learn how to connect with the person birthing into spirit via the "Heart to Heart" linkup. (This is a special technique taught to Katye Anna over 25 years. )
Learn how to understand the signs that the Angel of Death is nearby.
Explore and expand your own heightened states of consciousness so you can support the heightened state of consciousness of the person birthing into spirit. This includes honoring that the person birthing into spirit is seeing angels and loved ones who have birthed into spirit.