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What Students are Saying

Two months into the program students are saying:


Jennifer: "I am learning about my familial patterns and attitudes around death/birthing into spirit. I am understanding better already how important it is for birthing into spirit to be an openly and clearly discussed topic among loved ones. It is important to have an advocate who will work with you according to your wishes when you’re ready to leave this plane, and it is important to BE that advocate and helper for your clients and/or family members."


Rebecca: “I am enjoying the Birthing into Spirit Class. The class has encouraged me to look at my own beliefs, and especially what my mom is experiencing in her transition time. The Letting Go Mediation really helped me see the process people experience when leaving. I get a lot out of everyone sharing their thoughts too. I feel this class is helping me on a real personal level.”


Carolyn: “Each class provides thought provoking, caring and loving class experiences with your teacher and classmates. Meditations that support spiritual growth on this subject, relevant books and articles have you think, feel and see all sides of the subject. Selfcare has been highlighted.  Confirming that selfcare is a loving act all the way around. Knowing I will be better able to be present, mindful and supportive of people all the transitions life holds and in some situations the people in their lives.”


Debbie: “I am so excited to be a part of this amazing class! Katye’s insight into the world of Spirit, and her wisdom with assisting people birth back into Spirit is what makes this such an incredible opportunity! Learning how to help people have a good death, as well as a good life.”


Sally: “If your looking for a way to help enlighten the world in how we all view death and dying or want to become an End of Life Doula this class is for you!


With great care Katye Anna guides you through what it takes from the importance of self-care to guiding you through the ethics and thought provoking situations you might come across.  Whether you need to nurture yourself or help enlighten the world this is an amazing class for too start your journey."


Refund policy:  All payments for class tuition, 100% non-refundable after first class. 


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2016-2020 Katye Anna LLC. All Worldwide Rights Reserved

Created By: Katye Anna Soulworks

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